Bree's E-Portfolio

Learning New Things



Technology is very fun and can entertain you in many ways. Although it is not secure to be on your phone all the time. Despite some superficial similarities the differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person are clear.


Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating with technology. Both ways a person is talking weather spoken or written. It is important to get your point across in the way intended to because you don’t want to hurt their feelings if. You can learn something new through technology and in person. You can learn something online through technology,or in a text book in person. Those were some similarities between communicating in technology and in person.
Here are some differences between communicating with technology and communicating in person. Facial gestures help you express your idea more clearly. While in technology they might get your idea in the right way. This one time me and my friend were goofing off with emojis and i sent the angry one and she got the wrong idea. So the next day at school I told her I was trying to be funny. Another thing I have trouble with is my spelling. Sometimes when you text that silly auto-correct changes the word on you. But in person there is no auto-correct so you can spell what you need without a misunderstanding. I still remember this one time I was texting my dad,and I was telling him what happened at school that day and I was spelling a name and auto correct changed the way I spelt the name so h had no idea what I was talking about. When I got home I had to explain everything.
Technology is fun and entertaining,but it is not safe to be on your phone all of the time.My doctor even quoted that “It’s not safe to be on your phone all the time because, it will take longer for you to fall asleep because, your brain will still be going. Even if you just call someone. In your head your brain will be thinking, humm what should I do tomorrow for lunch my friend said she is bringing a sandwhich so maybe i should to.”  So I decided that I would limit myself like, don’t play on my phone at all after I eat. And when you are on a road trip bring a book or a fun card game. As I conclude my essay I want you to think about how much you’re on your phone and, what can you do to help yourself entertain you when you’re not on my phone.

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