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Invasive Species

Have you ever picked up a shell? Maybe even a plant? What about that one time you picked up flowers and brought them into your own home. Did you ever think that is one of East Texas biggest problems right there, in your hand! In the article Hello Zebra Mussels Good By Texas Lakes, they quoted, “Bringing invasive species to another lake can cost you up to, two thousand dollars and one hundred eighty day in jail.” That is how big of a threat invasive species are to our waters. Cleaning your boat and breading native species are two ways that will ensure aquatic plants to have a positive outcome in East Texas ecosystems.
Here are some words that might be necessary to know that in in essay. The first word is aquatic. Aquatic means anything that is growing or living in the water. The next word is exotic. Exotic means nonnative to the area. They’re many problems that just one of these species can cause. ” Invasive species blanket water ways and block boating, fishing and many swimming areas. They crowed our native species habitats, spoil rivers, and lakes, clog power plants, and multiple water pipes.” They have also endangered and made some of our plants and animals extinct. They’re many herbicides to kill the invaders, but some can hurt the environment, killing some of our native plants. There are also many people putting up fences to stop the invasive species from spreading, but it’s not working! Invasive species can grow over the fences in just a month.
One solution to prevent invasive species is to simply clean your boat. Just imagine if everyone that had a boat cleaned it. You would see a big difference! ” Thick mats of plants can impede water flow, and boat traffic. They can clog water flow intakes for water power plants, increase water loss for reservoir’s, and lower dissolved oxygen levels by shading other plants and reducing photosynthesis.” Don’t you want all that to go away? All you have to do is simply clean your boat.
Another, solution is breading native species that eat invasive species. ( Please leave this up to the professionals.) One example of this is a Bubleheaded Duck. This duck eats Zebra Mussles. In the article Protect Our Waters they said, ” We are breading native species that eat invasive species.” But there is more than just ducks, scientist have found multiple fish too.
Cleaning your boat and breading native species are two solutions that guarantee aquatic plants to have a positive outcome on East Texas waters. But we can do more! And we need your help! The next time you go to a lake, look at the lake and think about what it could be. The next time you pick up a plant say, ” That plant is ruining our waters and we need to find ways to stop it.”
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